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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.67
(based on 57 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
Verb Pairs with Helping Words: a/de/que/en

Verb Pairs with Helping Words: a/de/que/en

This notes and practice packet is designed to be used with verb pairs. Students get a reference chart with examples of verbs that take a/al/a la de/del/de la en and que. Each section contains notes and practice examples. Page three has 34 practice sentences with verb pairs where students can decide if the sentence requires a helping word or not. This lesson is best suited for level II or higher or as a review for a Spanish 3-4 level in high school.
Movie Guide: Which Way Home

Movie Guide: Which Way Home

This 83 minute academy award winning documentary chronicles the journeys of children and adolescents as they risk their lives to come to the United States. Its an excellent video and students can identify with the main characters as they are all children close to their own age. A great way to open discussion about illegal immigration or just give students something to think about the hardships these people leave behind. 24 Chronologically ordered questions and 5 topics for follow up. Movie takes two days with a little time at the end of each hour for student questions and answers. Film is in Spanish with English subtitles.
Los Quehaceres de Jorge Powerpoint and Activity

Los Quehaceres de Jorge Powerpoint and Activity

Jorge is a cute little stuffed animal bull that has many chores to complete around the house. I use this powerpoint of chore photos to discuss housework vocabulary with students in a Spanish I class. We incorporate teaching the expression TENER + que + action to discuss housework. There are practice worksheets that accompany this powerpoint. LOS QUEHACERES DE JORGE: Practice pages. The worksheets with the pictures become our warm up and you can use just the pictures as speaking prompts for a quiz at the end of the week.
Powerpoint: LOS ANIMALES animals of all kinds

Powerpoint: LOS ANIMALES animals of all kinds

This giant powerpoint contains 82 animals from farm, forest, insects, pets all kinds of animals. I use this presentation with Spanish I when starting animals and students can create their own list of 25 animals that are of most interest to them. Photos are useful also to discuss physical descriptions of animals when reviewing adjectives, or GUSTAR with students preferences for certain animals.
Proyecto: LA CASA DE TUS SUEÑOS (Dream House Project)

Proyecto: LA CASA DE TUS SUEÑOS (Dream House Project)

This project is best suited to a second semester Spanish I class where students have had some exposure to TENER, ESTAR and prepositions. It works well as a concluding project to a unit on the house. Students create a house of their dreams and then describe the rooms to their classmates in Spanish. Project download contains directions for the project, draft script, final script, useful vocabulary list and grading rubric. Recommend 2 days in computer lab for students to create their visuals or can be assigned as homework.
LA COMIDA Survey and Group interview activity

LA COMIDA Survey and Group interview activity

This activity is an easy little practice for Intro or Spanish I students who are learning fruits and vegetables + GUSTA. Students complete a survey as homework responding to their food preferences, then the following day interview classmates to discover who shares the same feelings about the foods. Practice takes 10 minutes to complete and 15 minutes to interview.
Movie Guide: GOAL! The Dream Begins

Movie Guide: GOAL! The Dream Begins

This movie is great for a middle school beginning Spanish class. It deals with a young Mexican athlete who lives illegally in Los Angeles and has a chance to realize his dream as a professional soccer player in England. Dialogue is mostly in English, with some family interaction in Spanish with subtitles. This film works great as a conclusion to a chapter on sports or as an opener to the discussion of the importance of soccer to Hispanic people and around the world. Film is rated PG-13, and contains a couple of swear words, but otherwise is "safe" for a middle school audience. Movie guide contains 29 questions in order of the film and 5 follow up themes for discussion. Movie is available from Amazon, on Netflix or on Youtube.
Partner Practice: Las vacaciones con preterito

Partner Practice: Las vacaciones con preterito

This partner practice works best for level 2 or higher who have already been introduced to regular verbs and SER in the preterite. Questions are geared to a class returning from a long weekend or break. Students complete their portion of the survey first using preterite YO verbs, then interview a classmate and record their answers using EL/ELLA preterite verbs. Activity takes about 25 minutes if you allow them time to complete their own answers in class or it could be assigned as homework the night before and just run the partner interview in class. (15 minutes) Great review to get them thinking in Spanish again after some time off.
Movie Guide: Carol's Journey (El viaje de Carol)

Movie Guide: Carol's Journey (El viaje de Carol)

This 100 minute film introduces students to life in Spain at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Carol's mother brings her home to her village and then passes away, leaving Carol under the care of relatives. Carol's father is a pilot and is fighting WWII. She befriends a boy in the village and the local school teacher. Its a really good story that gives students an idea of how scary it was to live in Spain when Franco seized power. This film is available on Netflix or can be purchased from Amazon.com suitable for high school students of any level, film is in Spanish with English subtitles, movie guide is in English and also contains an answer key. Film is not rated, but contains no nudity or profanity and minimal violence as the story centers more on Carol and those around her. You may wish to follow up or pre-teach a little about the Spanish Civil War to help students understand what happened there under Franco.
¿Cómo eras de niño?  Group survey in the Imperfect tense

¿Cómo eras de niño? Group survey in the Imperfect tense

Working on Imperfect tense and childhood vocabulary? This 25 question grid gets students moving around the rooming interviewing classmates using the imperfect tense. Students ask the questions and try to find one each student can answer. They record their answer and have the student initial the box. First student to get all their boxes signed by different classmates wins. This activity works best if you model how to interview with a student volunteer. Penalty for speaking English if you catch them. All questions are in the imperfect and link habitual childhood activities to imperfect tense. Activity takes about 20 minutes to run in a large class and is best suited to Spanish II or higher who have studied formation of imperfect. You could easily follow this up with a discussion in group asking students to share specific pieces of information (name of favourite toy, what they were afraid of etc)
¿Preterito o Imperfecto? Practice with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

¿Preterito o Imperfecto? Practice with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

The childhood fairy tale becomes the challenge for students to decide if preterite or imperfect verbs should be used. This works best for 2nd semester Spanish II or Spanish III where students have been working with preterite and imperfect in shorter sentences for some time and are ready to transfer their skills to longer texts. The story is familiar so its a good place to begin as students will have prior knowledge of plot. 73 blanks, answer key with reasons for P or I is included. Practice can be done in class together, in small groups or assigned as homework. Answer key also included.
Preterite  Weekend Chore and Activity Questions

Preterite Weekend Chore and Activity Questions

27 different questions in the preterite with individual instructions. Just print them, cut them apart and distribute to your class on a Monday to have them conduct a survey of their classmates about what they did over the weekend. Most of the questions are chore based, but there are a few others. After students have "questioned" classmates walking around the room, number the board and request the tally totals. Which activities were most/least popular? Easy warm up for Monday, students like that they are only asking one question and hardly realize they have answered dozens. Activity works best with a class of Spanish II or higher who has been working with regular preterite verbs and SER/IR for a while.
La Leçon de Cuisine: Cooking Project in French

La Leçon de Cuisine: Cooking Project in French

This project works best for students who are completing French II or higher and have already had practice with partitive articles and passe compose verbs with AVOIR. Students prepare and demonstrate a recipe giving commands to a classmate to prepare their project step by step live in class. Hilarious project, especially when a student is randomly paired who has never cooked before. This project works best as a final assessment after a unit on food and incorporates their knowledge of past tense verbs, words of quantity, partitives, words of order and food vocabulary. Project takes several days to watch in class, you can see about 5 students per day in a regular class period, more if they are making sandwiches. Students will need time outside of class to write their presentations and you may wish to give them a day in class to proof their work and make corrections before they begin to memorize.
LES COMPARAISONS: Fun activity using comparisons

LES COMPARAISONS: Fun activity using comparisons

This little comparison activity works great as a warm up or reinforcement when working with comparisons and numbers. (Plus de, moins de and autant de) Students tally up their candies and then make some comparisons between the colors, then they compare their candies to a classmates. Teacher needs to provide a small cup of M & M's or similar candies to each student. (I use dixie bathroom cups) Students enjoy the activity and when finished, eating the results. Works well for French I or intro students who can count to 20 and know their colors.
Large Group Activity: ¿Qué harías tú? Practice w Conditional and Past subjunctive

Large Group Activity: ¿Qué harías tú? Practice w Conditional and Past subjunctive

This activity is designed for a Spanish III or higher class as a warm up or practice using the conditional and past subjunctive tenses. Students each receive a question that prompts them to answer in the conditional tense. Then they interview classmates to obtain answers to their question, while answering different questions from their peers. Students record their answers on the survey sheet, and then share out the most interesting answers in large group after completing the activity. Download includes template for students to record answers with directions and a model and 34 different question using the past subjunctive and conditional tenses for you to cut apart and distribute to students. Activity takes about 20 minutes to run and as long as you want to discuss in group afterwards.
Teacher of the Day - French

Teacher of the Day - French

This warm up works best for students who have had at least one semester of French. Student teacher of the day leads the class through a daily warm up while you take attendance and catch up absent students. A great review activity as well as practice of verb conjugations and vocabulary, the warm up can be easily increased in difficulty as the year progresses. Activity takes 5-10 minutes to complete and download includes instructions, blackline for students to complete and a sign up template to keep track of who is "in charge".
Teacher of the Day - Spanish

Teacher of the Day - Spanish

This activity starts class every day, as students take charge of the warm up by asking their classmates to complete a variety of challenge questions and practices. Takes about 5-10 minutes of class time, so you can take attendance and catch up absent kids while a student leads the rest of the class. It works best with students who have at least had 1 semester of Spanish but can be used through every level as you switch up the difficulty of tenses and vocabulary. Download includes directions, blackline for students of questions and answers to complete, extra questions for mid year, and a sign up template to keep track of who is "in charge". This review actually aids in retention of material covered in Spanish I and keeps students practicing interrogatives, numbers and other useful skills every single day. A great daily review for them, while you settle in to each day's lesson!
Movie Guide: CASI CASI

Movie Guide: CASI CASI

This movie is made in Puerto Rico and is like a combination of Mean Girls + Election with a hint of GLEE in the directing style. Emilio decides to run for student council in order to capture the attention of his big time crush. Its a funny film that deals with a lot of issues that students face in any country regarding acceptance, popularity, friendship and integrity. The movie guide is broken into 11 scene episodes that you could show weekly to students like a serial or all at once. Film is in Spanish with subtitles. Movie guide has35 questions, all in English, as this film is best suited for a Spanish I or II class where the audience is middle school or high school underclassmen. Answer key also included. Total film is about 90 minutes, PG rated and available on Amazon or Netflix.
Powerpoint: Immigration Vocabulary and list of useful words

Powerpoint: Immigration Vocabulary and list of useful words

Teaching a unit on immigration this year? With as much press for reform as of recently, its a timely topic. This 60 word powerpoint contains pictures for common vocabulary to discuss immigration. Preview file is a blackline vocabulary list with Spanish and English and a middle column for students to write short sentences or definitions using the words as practice that accompanies the powerpoint. Powerpoint takes about one class period to present and generates some good discussions/prior knowledge around words like amnesty, corruption, sponsorship etc. This powerpoint and list works well for level III or higher students who have had some experience with present subjunctive in order to form opinions and make recommendations. You may wish to teach immigration alongside subjunctive so students can express their views as they learn.
Project: Había una vez Fairytale using Preterite and Imperfect

Project: Había una vez Fairytale using Preterite and Imperfect

This project outlines the parameters for students to create their own fairy tale after studying the preterite vs the imperfect tense. Students have the choice of two formats, and project outline includes directions, required "buzz words", grading rubric and a list of useful vocabulary for writing fairy tales. This project works best at a level II or III class that has finished the study of the two past tenses and is a great way to assess for understanding in context.